Friday, June 22, 2012

Poems in the wild #14 and #15 (aka, catching up)

Two poems released this week, to catch up because of slack.

#14 (four of hearts) was released in the little building thingy outside the Architecture building at Melbourne Uni:

Memories of tedious vessels
drawn out to vanishing point
pale limbs in a choppy mirror, teased
out like spindle fibres. Almost gossamer
enough to drown the clench of teeth:
you forgot your wallet
and let me pay your oblivious way.
And us dumped on greasy boards
swimming against the rip-off
on a three-course pedestal.
I lived off the smell of menus,
you lived off me.
Downstairs into too much purple
the end of jazz and start of cigars.
We drank like we had a ticket home.
I stared at my face in the bar mirror
fading carefully from view,
curtained by dollar signs.

#15 (king of diamonds) was released outside the Food Co-Op in Union House, Uni of Melbourne:

I poked holes into the paper
to let through the words.
An advertisement for dawn
wrote bright copy on the horizon.
Still the blank sky pasted over
in cheap printer paper.
All night, and the deadline
still black and sleeping.
I put my eye to a lower case 'o'
a trick of the focus-puller
curing myopia.
If I kept the page to my face
for longer, long enough?

@snarkattack found another of my poems, unfortunately it must have done some wandering beforehand as the poem had long since disintegrated in the rain. A natural death.

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